The keen eye Maxwell Bohr:
as good as the maestro's ear

An orchestra can be compared to a large production line: when an instrument is out of tune, the entire implementation is compromised. A maestro must learn to detect the problem without compromising the performance of the other instruments that make up the symphony. It is the same as in a complex industrial system. A good engineering system is one that identifi es several vulnerabilities without neglecting the assembly, proposing intelligent outputs, and maintaining the operation of the supply chain.

As an innovator conductor, Maxwell Bohr incorporates advanced technologies in electronics, computing and creative engineering, and develops solutions in Brazil equivalent to those applied in major industrial countries. The result is the formation of a virtuous circle that ensures competitiveness in the various productive sectors, generating jobs, income and wealth; and contributing greatly to the scientifi c independence of the Brazil. After all, creating its own technologies is a sine qua non for national sovereignty and the permanence of Brazil among emerging countries.

Over more than ten years, Maxwell Bohr has worked hard to master the knowledge of all its business areas, focusing its actions on three vital areas. First, the training of qualifi ed technical personnel, trained and supervised in accordance with the parameters of the most demanding contemporary product development. Second, the design of innovative technological alternatives. Third, the constant investment in research, acquisition of the high-quality equipment, and expansion of physical infrastructure. These pillars are made of people, materials, and processes; and grounded in applied science.

The trajectory of Maxwell Bohr made the company able to provide practical solutions to problems of very diverse natures. By solving the real needs of the market, and enabling the manufacture of new products and services at affordable costs, Maxwell Bohr maintains a high quality standard. Maxwell Bohr helps companies to meet technical and fi nancial requirements, as well as meeting deadlines, allowing added value to products, job and wealth creation.

RUA PORTO ALEGRE, 212 - JD. AGARI - LONDRINA - PR - Phone: +55 (43) 3028 9255