Think ahead, educate now

In academia and elsewhere, there is the misconception that technology/education can be reduced to simply having a computer and internet access. The result of this simple idea is disastrous: complete neglection of usefull resources; progressive divorce between theory and practice, and educational underdevelopment.

Fine-tuned to successful experiences of educational powers, such as South Korea, Maxwell Bohr develops technology solutions that bring the best technology to the classroom, which includes equipments, softwares, and didactic support materials.


Specially created by Maxwell Bohr, data acquisition systems, sensors, timers, signal generators, programmable power supplies, and technology platforms are examples of the integration of technology in the teaching-learning process for the benefi t of high schools, technical and higher education in the areas of computing, electronics, mechatronics and general sciences.

Technological devices created by Maxwell Bohr enable exploratory experiences to encourage skills essential to scientific thought: cooperative teamwork, problem investigation, hypothesis formulation, strategic planning actions, establishing methods, measuring results, and – above all – the promotion of interdisciplinary dialogue.

Maxwell Bohr´s proposed pedagogical framework aims to maximize the social impact of science, allowing children and youth to interact on an equal footing with students from any part of the globalized world.

The Brazilian Academy of Sciences has demonstrated that technology has traditionally been considered a by-product of economic development. It’s time to reverse this logic by recognizing technological innovations as prerequisites for economic growth. By adopting a perspective of contemporary science education, Maxwell Bohr gives children and young people more than the opportunity to develop their talents. It offers a real chance to interact with reality, to boost their professional growth and contribute to the formation of a society prepared for a future in which science and common life are inseparable.

RUA PORTO ALEGRE, 212 - JD. AGARI - LONDRINA - PR - Phone: +55 (43) 3028 9255